"We envision a transformed and just society and stand in solidarity with radical social movements in struggles for pro-poor agrarian transformation for food sovereignty" - SPP vision
The challenges of Land Tenure in South Africa remains linked to the historical legacy of land dispossession. Our strategy seeks to empower the voice, agency and resolve of land-vulnerable communities to take up the struggles for land access, land use and tenure security. Our work in the Land Tenure sector is therefore centred around social mobilisation, walking in solidarity with movements and other alliance formations, to take up their struggles for land. Land tenure and access to land for agriculture and housing, is part of the founding research and advocacy struggles of SPP. ...Learn more
Land and Agrarian Transformation is about changes in power relations and patterns of ownership that have historically entrenched control over rural and urban land, and natural resources. SPP has resolved to retain its overall strategy in the struggle for land and agrarian transformation within two core focus areas: land tenure and agroecology. We include food sovereignty and climate justice as part of land and agrarian transformation...Learn more
The South African agrarian landscape is characterised by two systems: 1) large scale, industrialised commercial farming establishments and 2) poorly-resourced, primarily subsistence smallholder farming units. The focus on industrial agriculture and its use of chemical fertilisers, have harmful impacts on land transformation and biodiversity loss. Our agroecology strategy will seek to drive campaigns and facilitate capacity development which place agroecology including agroforestry as key policy responses and alternatives for adaptation and mitigation of climate change....Learn more
Submission to the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) on
The Impact of Rural Land Use and Ownership Patterns on Human Rights
Harry May of Surplus People Project (SPP) will participate in a South African Human Rights Commission hearing with panellists, Commissioner Chris Nissen, Dr Shanelle van den Berg and Prof Ruth Hall on the impact of rural land use and ownership patterns on human rights on Friday, 13 April 2018. Read more about our submission.
Land and Freedom: Discussion on the Land Expropriation without Compensation
Today our movement, the Right To Agrarian Reform for Food Sovereignty Campaign, or in short, The Food Sovereignty Campaign (FSC), a member of the international peasant’s movement, La Via Campesina (LVC) is discussing the issue of land expropriation without compensation. In 2011 the FSC took a visionary step adopting the position “Land Occupations are the New Way of doing Land Reform”. This slogan captures the undeniable fact, as demonstrated by the Zimbabwean land occupation experience, that without a mass movement from below re-dividing the land with a clear programme, land reform would remain just empty talk. The FSC will use the its discussion documents “Land and Freedom: Discussion on the Land Expropriation without Compensation” and “Land Occupations are the New Way of doing Land Reform” as the basis for its formulation of its position on this important matter.
The thirteen forestry villages that SPP supports in the Western Cape were initially
worker villages that housed workers in the industrial forestry sector. During the
1960s and 70s workers were sourced from surrounding farms to provide labour
in the establishment and management of tree plantations (predominantly pinus
tree species) as well as fire protection in remote locations. Being farm workers /
dwellers at the time – not owning their own land and houses – they were
attracted to the newly established forestry villages where employment, housing
and services were provided by government. Read more
Our banking details are as follows:
Name of Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 51331217012
Branch: Rondebosch
Branch code: 201509
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
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